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Web Resources

As a service to the health care community, PAR has compiled the following list of web-accessible resources, organized by category. If you have any suggestions for additional links or categories, or would like to report a failed or redirected link, please direct your comments to our webmaster.


Billing and Practice Management

The Healthcare Billing and Management Association (HBMA)



The Online Federal Register
The official government publication of federal regulations, including those impacting the health care industry.

The Health Care Compliance Association
A trade group focused on federal compliance issues, including CMS and HIPAA compliance.

Medical Coding

The American Health Information Management Association
AHIMA accredits coders under the CCS and CCS-P credentials, and offers a wealth of on line information regarding all aspects of the health information field.


The American Academy of Professional Coders
A trade group offering CPC and CPC-H credentials.


The official Site for ICD-10-CM - Centers for Disease Control, National Center for Health Statistics
Contains the official guidelines for use of ICD-10-CM, copies of ICD-10-CM to download, plus many other resources.


CMS Provider Enrollment Revalidation
Verify When a Provider is Due for Revalidation

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